Monday 27 December 2010

A few comedy recommendations

Just thought I'd recommend a few good comedy programmes before they go off iPlayer.

Marley Was Dead

So it wasn't quite the star-studded adaptation of A Christmas Carol I was expecting but it was much more interesting than this. I don't want to give the gimmick away because you should listen to it but the way the writers play with the medium was ingenious and although this wasn't the same live (I listened on iPlayer) it was still effective. However programme does need to be listened to with a generous Christmas spirit as it does border on the sentimental; I listened whilst drinking port and making a gingerbread house but I guess you could always just crack open the Quality Street to get a similar feeling.


Some of the oddest comedy I've heard on Radio 4 and really well suited to its late night slot. This is a series in which each 15 minute episode the amazingly voiced narrator explains how the apocalypse on various other parallel Earths has been caused by the ordinary actions of an ordinary bloke called Ian. The last episode was a crazy Shawshank Redemption spoof in which Ian created a tomato soup with the secret ingredient of concrete that became popular worldwide. Eventually everyone died coughing up breeze blocks. Although this week wasn't quite as funny as this it was worth a listen and I'll definitely be tuning in to the next episode on Wednesday at 11.00pm.

Delete This At Your Peril - the Bob Servant E-Mails
(As this is being broadcast as part of You and Yours you'll need to skip to 27 minutes in to get to this.)

Although the target for this comedy, internet spammers, might feel quite safe and maybe a little "Daily Telegraph" the way it's taken to the extreme is hilarious and I particularily love the sound effects. This week the exchange is between Bob, who won his computer "in the bowling club raffle," and "Natalia" a young Russian women played excellently by Laura "China Lion" Solon ( needless to say Natalia's fondness for Bob doesn't seem to be completely guileless.

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